Renault Clio Catalytic Converters Scrap Prices (134 results)
Catalytic Converter Scrap Prices from Renault Clio - March 7, 2025
- Used Diesel catalytic converter from Renault Clio: 38 USD – 175 USD
- Used Gasoline catalytic converter from Renault Clio: 15 USD – 199 USD
- Used Ceramic catalytic converter from Renault Clio: 15 USD – 220 USD
- Used DPF catalytic converter from Renault Clio: 66 USD – 173 USD
Renault Clio catalytic converter scrap price
Despite the fact that automakers claim that the life of the catalysts is equal to the entire car, in practice it is completely different. And very often drivers are faced with a problem when it simply fails and it becomes necessary to search for a used catalyst and have to actively search for it at an affordable price. The failure of the catalyst is simple to recognize in several different ways. One of them is when the dashboard of the Renault Clio symbol lights up, corresponding to a breakdown with the corresponding code, or for other signs of a malfunction, for example, a decrease in engine power, excessive fuel consumption, unstable operation of units of Renault Clio and others.
Renault Clio catalyst
In this case, theis most likely a catalyst out of order due to external influences, or its resource has exhausted itself. There are also known cases of dismantling the catalyst in the form of tuning to increase the power of the car.
And yet, if the Renault Clio catalyst is faulty, it becomes necessary to remove it. Such a procedure has a certain price, but it makes it possible to restore the original, so to speak, factory parameters of the Renault Clio, the car after such a procedure becomes much easier to work, it also reduces fuel consumption and increases power.
The catalytic converter of the Renault Clio
If the removal of the catalyst is carried out in order to improve the exhaust system, then such actions are usually accompanied by the installation of a new muffler with a direct flow, such mufflers impede exhaust gases much less than the Renault Clio catalyst. Such actions significantly increase the engine power if the power unit is flashed in parallel. Basically, such procedures are carried out by amateurs at amateur service stations. This conclusion comes from the fact that the professional revision of the exhaust system requires a huge amount of calculations on high-end equipment by highly qualified specialists and costs an impressive amount. But all the same, before removing the Renault Clio catalyst, a driver should think very carefully how necessary it is, or it is still better to replace the damaged or failed catalyst with a used one.
Renault Clio cat converter scrap price
Getting a used Renault Clio catalyst entails fewer consequences and risks for car owners, since improving the exhaust system by removing the Renault Clio catalyst requires constant diagnostics and tuning in the future. Also, often, no one gives a guarantee on what effect this will have on the power unit and how much it will reduce its resource.
The majority of car owners are amateurs in the field of improving (tuning) their cars, and therefore, to replace the catalyst with a used one or to remove it, the best option would be to go to service stations that specialize in this. There they will carry out the installation / replacement or removal of the Renault Clio catalyst at the highest level. After deciding to replace / install / remove a catalyst, it is very important to take into account many factors that can affect the further operation of the power unit and the car as a whole Renault Clio.