Audi Q7 Catalytic Converters Scrap Prices (70 results)

Catalytic Converter Scrap Prices from Audi Q7 - March 17, 2025

  • Used Diesel catalytic converter from Audi Q7: 37 USD273 USD
  • Used Gasoline catalytic converter from Audi Q7: 28 USD153 USD
  • Used Ceramic catalytic converter from Audi Q7: 37 USD273 USD
  • Used Metal catalytic converter from Audi Q7: 28 USD31 USD
  • Used DPF catalytic converter from Audi Q7: 82 USD244 USD
7P6131709 / 7P6181CA / 7P6254800A (DPF)
7P6131709 / 7P6181CA / 7P6254800A (DPF)
Car description:
Audi Q7 4L 3.0 TDI / Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 TDI / Porshe Cayenne
Year of car:
2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013
Max price for 6 months: 128 USD
7L8131690H / 7L6166FA
7L8131690H / 7L6166FA
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI Quattro (233 hp / 171 kw) / Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 V6
Year of car:
2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010
Max price for 6 months: 271 USD
7P0254800A / 7P0131709 / 7P6181DA
7P0254800A / 7P0131709 / 7P6181DA
Car description:
Porsche Cayenne 3.0 (262 hp / 193 kw) / Volkswagen Touareg II (7P) 3.0 V6 TDI / Audi Q7 3.0 TDI V6
Year of car:
Max price for 6 months: 33 USD
7L6131690AB / 7L6166FA / 7L6H15018
7L6131690AB / 7L6166FA / 7L6H15018
RZ02228273110 / 5051 / 12/05
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Volkswagen Touareg TDI V6 / AUDI Q7
Year of car:
2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010
Max price for 6 months: 263 USD
7L8131690J / 7L6166FB / 7L6254301N
7L8131690J / 7L6166FB / 7L6254301N
RZO 222-8273-010
Car description:
Audi Q7 3.0 / Porsche Cayenne 3.0 TDI (240 hp / 176 kw) / Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI (225 hp / 165 kw)
Year of car:
2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015
Max price for 6 months: 337 USD
7L8131709 / 7L6181CB
7L8131709 / 7L6181CB
RZO 23782731037185 / E-F7L8A17-034 09/07 GE
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 TDI / Audi Q7 4L 3.0 TDI (233hp)
Year of car:
Max price for 6 months: 135 USD
7L8254301 / 7P6131690 / 7P6166CA
7L8254301 / 7P6131690 / 7P6166CA
Car description:
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI (Quattro) / Porsche Cayenne 958 92A 4.2 / Volkswagen Touareg 3.0 TDI
Year of car:
Max price for 6 months: 266 USD
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI / Audi A6 C7 3.0 TDI / Audi A4 8W 3.0 TDI / Audi A7
Year of car:
2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019
Max price for 6 months: 33 USD
7L8131709D / 7L6181CB / 7L8254400N
7L8131709D / 7L6181CB / 7L8254400N
RZO 237-5578-001
Car models:
Car description:
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI / Porsche Cayenne 3.0 TDI (240 hp / 176 kw)
Year of car:
2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011
Max price for 6 months: 126 USD
4G0131765D / 4H0181BA (DPF)
4G0131765D / 4H0181BA (DPF)
8-07195.42 / 8-07195.40 / 8-07194.40
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Audi A7 3.0 TDI / Audi Q7 3.0 TDI / Audi A6 C7 3.0 TDI
Year of car:
2011 , 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018
Max price for 6 months: 40 USD

Audi Q7 catalytic converter scrap price

Everyone knows motor vehicles are one of the biggest sources of environmental pollution. And what does a car catalyst have to do with this? The statistics have alarming data about human mobility and the use of means of transport that are causing tremendous damage to the environment.

Audi Q7 catalyst

However, car manufacturers are aware of their responsibility and introduced elements that reduce the emission of pollutants into the environment. One of the vital functions of the catalytic converter is to simply reduce the CO2 emissions that are produced into the atmosphere by a vehicle.

Functions of a catalytic converter of the Audi Q7

The catalytic converter is installed on almost every single modern vehicle nowadays. It has a relative importance for the operation of the vehicle, but a gigantic one with regard to the care of the environment. The function of the catalyst is to reduce the pollution generated by the use of a car. Specifically, this piece intervenes in the gas emission process and makes them less harmful. Pretty much everything that can be considered as harmful and negative to the environment, will be reduced by the Audi Q7 catalyst. Thanks to its design based on chemical principles of catalysis.

Audi Q7 catalytic converter scrap value

The catalytic converter is placed underneath the vehicle. It is made with platinum and palladium, elements that have the best conditions for such use. The structure on which they rest is ceramic and in most cases they are honeycomb-shaped. All modern vehicles have their own catalytic converter. Audi Q7 is not an exception. In the older ones, it may not be found and it will not generate too many inconveniences. However, a relatively new car is likely not going to perform as intended without this device. This is because modern cars have a mechanical design in which the catalyst is taken into account as part of the car's operation; so it is also not advisable to remove the catalyst if there is no really necessary reason.

Used Audi Q7 catalytic converter cost

The used Audi Q7 catalytic converter can cost some good money because of the high-quality materials and a decent amount of precious metals that are left there. The complex analysis can be made by third-party companies anytime. Throwing away the catalytic converter is not always a great idea. Thus, plenty of people are trying to do something else with the used catalyst. Selling the catalyst at the aftermarket can be a considerable option.

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