Developed in the middle of the last century and put on the assembly line in the 1970s, catalytic converters are an integral part of any modern car today. Contemporary catalytic converters are designed in accordance with Euro-3 and Euro-6 standards of exhaust gas cleaning. Despite modernization, these devices are as subject to wear and tear as other equipment and their average service life varies according to the mode of the car operation and is measured in vehicle’s mileage. At moderate operation, the catalytic converter can serve up to 200 000 km, at bad operation and poor quality fuel service life can be reduced by half. Thus we get an average of 150,000 kilometers or 100,000 mileage of catalyst service life.

After the failure you have two options, remove the old catalytic converter and replace it with a new one, or just cut it out at the service station and enjoy a slight increase in the power of your vehicle ignoring the fact that the exhaust fumes are now depressing the environment. Many do because replacing a used catalytic converter has no low-budget options and there is no such thing as catalyst repair. Today we will tell you how you can realize catalytic converter scrap value that still exists on the used device knowing only the serial number of your catalyst.

Why do you need the catalytic converter serial number?

While catalytic converter theft takes place in the real world, knowing your serial number may help you track your stolen device. Besides, the serial number allows you to identify your catalytic converter by type and manufacturer, as well as give it an estimated value. This information is very valuable if you plan to recycle your catalyst and all you need is a reliable source of information to find out scrap value by serial number.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 1 | AutoCatalyst Market

Where and how to find out if the serial is relevant?

You can enter your serial number in the search box of the AutoCatalystMarket website and get information not only about the manufacturer of your catalytic converter and its model type but also figure out the price and get buyers near you. If your number is relevant, the device info will pop up on the site.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 2 | AutoCatalyst Market

What’s next?

 Next, we will find out what these companies are interested in buying catalysts, and thus understand their value, but first let's look at examples and illustrations of how to find the serial number on

Serial number location examples

The serial number is usually stamped on the metal catalyst housing, so it should not be difficult to locate during disassembly.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 3 | AutoCatalyst Market

However, the location of the serial number may need to be cleaned of dirt and rust to expose it.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 4 | AutoCatalyst Market

As for the location of the serial number, it is most often either the center of the metal case or the edge of the case. It is usually found next to the manufacturer's logo, if exists.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 5 | AutoCatalyst Market

Catalyst device and value

To comprehend the worth of a used catalyst, one must delve into its structure. The catalyst serves the vital purpose of purifying exhaust gases, achieved through redox reactions occurring on the honeycomb-shaped core's surface. This honeycomb structure is endowed with a specific set of catalytic elements that, when exposed to high temperatures, convert nitrogen and carbon monoxide into environmentally benign substances: water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. These catalytic elements comprise precious platinum group metals (abbreviated as PMG), such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium. Due to their rarity and intricacy, these metals can be recovered from defective equipment and put to reuse. To accomplish this, we need to explore the process of catalyst recycling and valuation; let's delve into how these processes unfold as they have dependencies.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 6 | AutoCatalyst Market

Catalytic converter device types and price valuation

Catalysts come in various types and are primarily categorized based on the type of fuel they are designed for. There are metallic, foil-based, and ceramic catalysts. Both of these types can be used in both gasoline and diesel vehicles. However, in diesel vehicles, particulate filters are typically added to capture larger particles, while the catalyst handles exhaust gas after that. Being a combination of both, Particulate filters are capable of both passive and active regeneration in particular, but they are not fundamentally different from ceramic catalysts.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 7 | AutoCatalyst Market

From the recycling and market prices perspective, the type of catalyst or the make of the vehicle from which it is extracted does not affect the final scrap value. Many concerns that make cars do not even produce OEM catalysts themselves, and use third-party manufacturers that specialize in catalytic converters in specific. Considering converters are non-repairable and there is no 2nd chance on the aftermarket, many people think that catalytic price depends on the car make, engine power, and so on. But this is far from the truth. The scrap value of different catalysts varies widely, and this is because the price depends not on the type of equipment used but on the quantitative content of precious metals within. Therefore, without precise laboratory analysis, it is impossible to provide an accurate estimate. Now, let us see how to get the exact price from a used catalytic converter and see what it goes through for that matter.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 8 | AutoCatalyst Market

How to get the exact catalyst price?

After submitting the catalyst for recycling, several actions will be performed on it. Firstly, we get rid of the metal casing and extract the core. The core needs to be dried out and then this monolith is crushed and compressed into a convenient form for insertion into an XRF analyzer. This analysis allows us to track the spectrum of precious metals inside and reveal the percentage capacity of platinum, palladium, and rhodium in the sample. By means of straightforward mathematical calculations, the price per kilogram of scrap is determined.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 9 | AutoCatalyst Market

 But that is still not the exact price estimation as we have no precious metals in their purity. Subsequently, the entire batch is sent for refinement and undergoes multiple stages of purification, including electrolysis, leaching, and incineration in plasma furnaces. This process yields a pure product, and, taking into account the market quotations of precious metals, the price is determined based on the quantity of raw material obtained. Now we can reuse raw materials in manufacturing new catalytic converters or have them used in other crafts, in medicine for example.

How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 10 | AutoCatalyst Market

It's essential to note that all these procedures are important to understand for informational purposes only because buyer companies will handle all of this work for you. You can find these companies on the AutoCatalystMarket website in the 'Buyers' section. Simply enter your serial number on the website, and you will receive detailed information about your device, exact price, and buyers in your vicinity by selecting your region. There you will find all the contact information to hand your catalyst over to recycling.


How to Find Catalytic Converter Scrap Value By Serial Number | AutoCatalystMarket — Photo № 11 | AutoCatalyst Market

The buyer found on AutoCatalystMarket will carry out the recycling for you. The site is a great tool to find everything you need related to recycling, pricing, and selling your used catalytic converter. This way, you still get the value of even a scrapped catalytic converter and may also save on purchasing a new one, as they are not cheap. Plus, recycling is a better way of disposal than simple waste as you prevent the environment from pollution.