Dmitriy Mykhailov

Dmitriy Mykhailov

COO والمؤسس المشارك، أوكرانيا
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منذ عام 2005، كنت مشغولًا بالأعمال التجارية في مجال تدوير وإعادة تصنيع المحفزات الكاتاليتية للسيارات. بفضل الخبرة الطويلة في هذا المجال، أصبحت خبيرًا في تقييم وتصنيف المحفزات الكاتاليتية للسيارات، وهو ما كان أساسًا لإنشاء موقع

أنت أيضًا مالك شبكة ورش الإصلاح السريع في أوكرانيا، متخصصة في إصلاح وتعديل أنظمة العادم.

مدركًا لأهمية الوصول إلى أسعار المحفزات الحالية لنجاح عملية الشراء والبيع، قام دميتري في عام 2020 بالتعاون مع شريكه بإنشاء أكبر دليل في العالم للمحفزات الكاتاليتية للسيارات - يوفر هذا الدليل معلومات حول أسعار المحفزات الكاتاليتية استنادًا إلى المعادن الثمينة المحتواة فيها، مثل البلاتين والبالاديوم والروديوم.

منشورات المؤلف

How much does a catalytic converter cost in Malaysia and why it’s expensive
How much does a catalytic converter cost in Malaysia and why it’s expensive
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In an era marked by an ever-expanding fleet of vehicles traversing our roadways, the paramount concern of shielding our environment from the detrimental emissions of exhaust gases takes center stage....
How much does a catalytic converter cost in Vietnam and why it’s expensive
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As the multitude of cars navigating our roads continues to swell, the imperative of safeguarding our environment against the noxious emissions of exhaust gases becomes increasingly pronounced. In the...
How much does a catalytic converter cost in the UK and why it’s expensive
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Amidst the burgeoning population of vehicles on our roads, the pressing concern of shielding our environment from the pernicious emissions of exhaust gases loomed large. In the mid-1970s, catalytic co...
How much does a catalytic converter cost in the USA and why it’s expensive
How much does a catalytic converter cost in the USA and why it’s expensive
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With more and more cars on the road, the question of protecting the environment from exhaust gases became an issue. In the mid-70s, catalytic converters were introduced and put into production. At the...
Why Catalyst Recycling Matters?
Why Catalyst Recycling Matters?
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In our time, with each passing day, more and more cars are being created, which were once the product of many people's imagination. But time doesn't stand still, and not only beautiful and fast cars a...
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Modern motorists have an excellent opportunity to get rid of a faulty catalytic converter when and where they want to do it. Usually, there are plenty of car service stations that are ready to give so...
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A catalytic converter is one of the main elements of the exhaust system, performing the function of reducing the emission of harmful substances and exhaust gases into the atmosphere. It is usually ins...
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Learning more about cars and spare parts, one may face names and terms, which can seem new or even unknown. A catalytic converter in a vehicle or a car catalyst is an important part of the whole exhau...
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A platinum catalyst is used in many vehicles today. It is one of the main elements of the exhaust system and reduces harmful emissions. Catalyst's body is plated with precious metals, which, under cer...
Car catalyst functions and significance
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Car catalyst is designed to neutralize harmful car exhausts and is part of exhaust system. A catalyst is an element of an engine exhaust system designed to clean exhaust gases before they are release...
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Transform Your Old Catalyst into Profit Each owner of a used car sooner or later faced the problem of a clogged catalyst, which must be changed to a new one. But not everyone knows that a node that h...
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Five mistakes to avoid, cutting off car catalyst Many people know that car catalytic converter must be removed mandatory, after a certain mileage! But they consider it as a useless piece of metal. Th...
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