Audi RS4 Catalytic Converters Scrap Prices (4 results)

8W0131703AH / 8W0178G + 8W0131703AG / 8W0178F / 8W0254250B (SET)
8W0131703AH / 8W0178G + 8W0131703AG / 8W0178F / 8W0254250B (SET)
Car models:
Car description:
Audi RS4 B9 / Audi RS5 / Porsche Cayenne 2.9 TFSI
Year of car:
Max price for 6 months: 126 USD
8D0131701DK / 8D0178AH
8D0131701DK / 8D0178AH
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Audi RS4
Year of car:
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Audi RS4 B7 8E 4.2 V8 FSI / Audi A4
Year of car:
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Audi RS4
Year of car:

Audi RS4

Catalytic converters (catalysts) have been part of the exhaust system of cars for a long time. Introduced in the mid-70s, these devices are designed to reduce pollution from car exhaust fumes. Today, the exhaust purge is done according to Euro standards and its degree allows you to virtually nullify toxic exhaust compared to the catalytic converters of past generations. But everything has its price, and at a mileage of 200 thousand kilometers, the life of the catalytic converter comes to an end. Today we will talk about what to do with the used catalytic converter after it wears off. Many people prefer to simply cut them out of the system, as the replacement is quite expensive. But along with the value that is contained within the used catalytic converter, you can save money on its replacement for your Audi RS4.

Catalytic converter value

The value lies behind the jacket as presented with a ceramic honeycomb grid, The catalyst core has a coated layer on its cell that enhances redox chemical processes to disassemble toxins into harmless substances. This catalytic layer converts carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide which is no harm and nitrogen oxides into water and that is how it stands for the name of catalytic converter. The layer is made of precious metals of the platinum group such as Platinum Palladium and Rhodium. These metals are the principal value that implies catalytic price.

Catalytic converter price estimation for Audi RS4

Now let us see what price-forming factors are there that are commonly believed. People often think that a car’s brand or engine power may influence the final outcome of catalytic recycle. If we look at most cat Manufacturers we will notice that most of them are not OEM branded to cars they were made for. Hence, the car brand has nothing to do with a used catalytic converter for sale, and the same comes to engine power, as it may contain a variable amount of elements and Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium would be the lack. You can use the AutoCatalystMarket website to see the price by inserting your catalyst serial number into the search bar, or you can search for Audi RS4 Manufacturer instead.

Catalytic converter scrap price and buyers

After disassembling the Audi RS4 catalytic converter (catalyst) we need to grind its honeycombs into scrap. This scrap still contains precious metals and most of the unnecessary parts are gone. To find the scrap catalytic converter value you can see Buyers near you by selecting your region on the AutoCatalystMarket website and all the necessary information will be presented to contact the dealer. They are interested in buying raw materials for a complete recycling process, and you do not have to do it on your own. They have B2B and B2C frameworks and fair prices to sell scrapped catalysts for the region you are located in.

Catalytic converter recycling

Recycling resumes multiple stages, starting from scrapyards, catalysts go for XRF analysis where a given sample shows the spectrum of contained precious metals in percentage. This way we find the catalytic converter price per kg of the overall material which is still approximate but much closer to the actual value. The following refining process asserts treatments to get rid of invaluable material and extract Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium in their purity. Thus leaching, electrolysis, and plasma furnace treatment are going to be performed for the whole refinement measures. As we get precious metals now we need to check metal’s exchange markets as the price for such elements has volatility in time that needs to be taken into account for precision. A Buyer will do all this routine to understand the exact price after you hand your worn cat over and then you can set the deal.

Sell catalytic converter of Audi RS4

To not only get rid of but also profit from your Audi RS4 catalyst, there is a great and convenient way with AutoCatalystMarket. Here you will find all the information you need with just a serial number or manufacturer of your catalytic converter, as well as Buyers in your area with all the contact information. Dispose of your used catalytic converter in a good way!

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