Prices for scrap Ford Focus 2007 Catalytic Converters (29 results)

Catalytic Converter Scrap Prices from Ford Focus - March 22, 2025

  • Used Diesel catalytic converter from Ford Focus: 15 USD266 USD
  • Used Gasoline catalytic converter from Ford Focus: 11 USD223 USD
  • Used Ceramic catalytic converter from Ford Focus: 11 USD266 USD
  • Used Metal catalytic converter from Ford Focus: 33 USD123 USD
  • Used DPF catalytic converter from Ford Focus: 19 USD186 USD
T2A1A / 674421 / 2228 N / 813621
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus II 1.6 16V / Ford Focus hatchback / 2.0l
Year of car:
2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2012
Max price for 6 months: 23 USD
8M51-5E211-FA / 8M51-5F297-GA
8M51-5E211-FA / 8M51-5F297-GA
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus II 1.6 TDCi
Year of car:
2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008
Max price for 6 months: 186 USD
E4069980 / 201001296 / 03RNZ 10 R151 A / On Cover - 3M51-9N454-CLC
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus 1.6 TDCi / Ford C-Max 1.6 HDi
Year of car:
2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011
Max price for 6 months: 190 USD
6M51-5E211-DA / 6M51-5F297-CA
6M51-5E211-DA / 6M51-5F297-CA
16186N / CDC050 / CDC025 / CUTCA
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI (66 kw / 90 hp)
Year of car:
Max price for 6 months: 214 USD
3M51-5F297-EA / 3M51-5E211-DL
3M51-5F297-EA / 3M51-5E211-DL
CBL019 / CBL009 / CUTCA
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI / Ford C-Max 1.6 TDCI
Year of car:
2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012
Max price for 6 months: 221 USD
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus II 1.6 / Ford C-Max 16V (74kw / 100 hp)
Year of car:
2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012
Max price for 6 months: 48 USD
3M51-5F297-PB / 3M51-5E211-AAA
3M51-5F297-PB / 3M51-5E211-AAA
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus / Ford C-Max 2.0 TDCi / Volvo S40 2.0 D
Year of car:
2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013
Max price for 6 months: 227 USD
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus C-Max 1.8 (125 hp / 92 kw)
Year of car:
2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008
Max price for 6 months: 50 USD
6M51-5H221-AA (DPF)
6M51-5H221-AA (DPF)
30751616 / 10B0 17Y0735 / 08-05-26 14 B / CUTCA
Car brands:
Car description:
Ford C-Max 2.0 TDCi / Ford Focus / Volvo V50 2.0D / Volvo C30 2.0 D
Year of car:
2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010
Max price for 6 months: 33 USD
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Ford Focus 1.8 TDCi (85 kw / 115 hp) / Ford C-Max 1.8 TDCi (85 kw / 115 hp)
Year of car:
2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 2008 , 2009 , 2010
Max price for 6 months: 216 USD
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2007 Ford Focus Catalytic Converter Scrap Price

The safeguarding of the environment against harmful exhaust fumes is a key feature in modern vehicles like the 2007 Ford Focus, achieved through the use of a catalytic converter. As it clocks 100,000 miles, the need for replacement arises, leaving many individuals seeking guidance on handling the retired catalyst. This guide is dedicated to elucidating the eco-friendly disposal of the used catalyst, facilitating both environmental conservation and cost savings on a replacement. The step-by-step instructions cover sending the malfunctioning catalyst for recycling, finding a suitable buyer, and accurately appraising your pre-owned unit with the assistance of the AutoCatalystMarket website.

Features of 2007 Ford Focus Catalytic Converter

In the 2007 Ford Focus Catalytic Converter, platinum, palladium, and rhodium are utilized on honeycomb core cells. This combination of precious metals triggers reactions that clean exhaust gases by turning nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen chloride into harmless substances like water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen.

What Factors Affect the Value of Catalytic Converters?

  1. The pivotal determinant of catalytic converter pricing is the presence of precious metals, namely platinum, palladium, and rhodium. The intricate process of extracting these metals from nature emphasizes the imperative need for recycling.
  2. These metals serve diverse purposes across industries such as medicine, jewelry, and catalytic converter manufacturing. Consequently, the ebb and flow of demand and supply in these sectors, as reflected in precious metal exchange rates, wield considerable influence.
  3. While engine size, power, and the vehicle's brand may indirectly influence pricing, the authentic value can only be gauged through the recycling process. This involves a precise XRF analysis to measure the platinum, palladium, and rhodium content in your catalytic converter.

For an accurate assessment of the 2007 Ford Focus catalytic converter scrap value, utilize the AutoCatalystMarket website, where part numbers alone can provide comprehensive information. Additionally, this platform facilitates locating a buyer in close proximity.

How to Define 2007 Ford Focus Catalytic Converter Scrap Price?

Evaluating the potential value of your 2007 Ford Focus catalytic converter is possible through either the traditional scrapyards or online platforms such as AutoCatalystMarket. In contrast to the cumbersome process involved in scrapyards, the website presents a more straightforward method. To establish the value, adhere to these steps:

  1. Input the serial numbers from your catalytic converter into the site's search bar. Alternatively, utilize the manufacturer or car brand information, or employ photos for reference.
  2. Examine the current quotations provided on the website.
  3. Locate a buyer in your vicinity, for instance, within the USA, in the designated "Buyers" section.
  4. Select a convenient delivery method.
  5. Anticipate the recycling process and receive the final value of your catalytic converter.

Why would you choose AutoCatalystMarket?

AutoCatalystMarket serves as a gateway to extensive information on catalytic converters. Within this platform, a plethora of details awaits, ranging from prices to attractive deals, encompassing over 25,000 units of diverse types. The listings include images and alternative identification methods such as serial codes.

Utilizing this platform provides the following advantages:

  • Conduct a remote assessment of your catalytic converter without the necessity of leaving your home or visiting scrapyards.
  • Stay abreast of price updates, reflecting quotes sourced from precious metal exchanges.
  • Experience a unified platform for the harmonization of demand and supply, benefiting both buyers and sellers in the catalytic converter scrap market.

Leverage this tool to effortlessly and promptly sell your used 2007 Ford Focus catalytic converter. Through recycling, not only do you contribute to the economy and environmental protection, but you also save money on acquiring a new catalytic converter. Trusted buyers will handle all aspects of catalytic recycling immediately after the transaction, saving you time and hassle.

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