Toyota Corolla Hybrid Catalytic Converters Scrap Prices (2 results)

Car brands:
Car description:
Toyota C-HR 1.8 (98 hp / 72 kw) / Toyota Corolla 1.8 (98 hp / 72 kw)
Year of car:
2017 , 2018 , 2019 , 2020
Max price for 6 months: 113 USD
Car brands:
Car models:
Car description:
Toyota Corolla 1.8 (98 hp / 72 kw) / Toyota C-HR 1.8
Year of car:
Max price for 6 months: 25 USD

Features of the catalyst for Toyota Corolla Hybrid: technologies for improving engine performance

According to Euro standards, all modern cars should be equipped with catalytic converters, the devices that serve for exhaust emission control and protect the environment from toxic pollutants that the car’s engine produces. The Toyota Corolla Hybrid is no exception, but like any other auto part, its catalyst wears over time. And that time could be reduced in case of using bad quality fuel or unsparing car operation.

Therefore a mileage of 150,000 kilometers is the average lifespan for these devices. Being an exhaust shield before its failure, the used catalytic converter also requires proper disposal. This is why catalytic recycling is a good option both for the budget and from an ecological standpoint. But what is the budget about in particular? Are used catalysts worth anything? To get that, we need to understand what the device operation is based on and what the value lies inside.

Why should Toyota Corolla Hybrid catalytic converter value be considered when choosing car parts?

The device itself is a metal casing that usually contains a ceramic core made in the form of a honeycomb layered by a catalytic layer of Platinum Palladium and Rhodium which serve as catalysts to boost redox reactions to consume NOx and CO and convert them into harmless water, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. These are precious metals that are not consumed themselves during the reaction and this is why their value retains even after the catalytic converter comes to the end of its service life. These catalysts are very rare in nature and their development is expensive, and that’s how we get catalytic converter value from recycling. Hence, we now need to understand a proper way of their price estimation with the help of the AutoCatalystMarket website.

What factors affect the price of Catalytic converter?

There is a common misconception that car brand or engine power impacts the catalytic price, well, this is far from reality, as most car concerts prefer using third-party Manufacturers instead of OEM branding catalysts to increase their production. On top of that, we need to consider that aftermarket does not imply repairing and reinstalling used catalytic converters so there is also no influence.

There is only one major factor that dictates the price which is the quantity of Platinum Palladium and Rhodium the catalytic converter contains. To have a better understanding of the specific car catalytic converter you can insert its serial number in the search bar of the AutoCatalystMarket website and get valuable insights on the pricing, which is alternatively achievable by simply searching over a specific car brand or the cat Manufacturer, which one works better for you.

How to profitably sell Toyota Corolla Hybrid catalytic converter scrap

Besides just price estimation, you can also use AutoCatalystMarket to connect supply and demand for scrap catalytic converters as there are Buyer companies also interested in purchasing raw materials. For your convenience, as you have found your Toyota Corolla Hybrid catalyst you can choose the region to see a list of buyers near you to sell them your catalyst. They cover B2B and B2C markets and would make it easy for you to properly utilize your old catalyst. Setting a deal follows a comprehensive catalytic recycling process to get the exact price.

How the Toyota Corolla Hybrid Catalytic converter is restored: important aspects.

Here's what the process looks like:

  • Hand over catalytic converter then goes to a local scrapyard for decaning and grinding first, followed by taking a sample for an XRF analysis to reveal the spectrum of precious metals and their percentage quantity.
  • That way we determine the catalytic converter price per kg of the whole batch and now it comes to the refining stage. Refining includes plasma furnace treatment to get rid of ceramics, then metals go through leaching and electrolysis to extract them in purity.
  • As we get this done we now have fine Platinum Palladium and Rhodium, and to specify the exact price we need to take a look over the precious metals exchange markets.

Considering volatility, and demand these elements can find application in many stances, such as medicine, jewelry, and new catalytic converter manufacturing.

How to sell a Toyota Corolla Hybrid catalyst

Proper disposal of used catalytic converters is beneficial to both the environment and your budget. Using the AutoCatalystMarket website to your advantage you can estimate the price for your Toyota Corolla Hybrid catalytic converter and find Buyers in your vicinity to set any used catalytic converter for sale in no time. In our catalog, there is a lot of valuable information related to catalytic converters, car brands, and manufacturers. Save money on purchasing new catalysts for your car instead of just throwing it into waste and go for recycling with the convenience of our service.

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